Tuesday, 30 March 2010

What's on? Mt Belly that's what.

what's on this decade

now fuck off back to your scrat hole and lock the fucking door.
Love Lancaster City Council.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

heavy sky

As if the grey cold rain isn't enough: the constant nagging drag of a hefty bag on my right shoulder; sharp twinges shooting through my shoulder blades; the soul sapping monotony of the featureless streets populated by trolley trundling, shuffling old carcasses; the joyless meaningless contents of said bag: thick wodges of slippery Home Shopping catalogues, Readers Disgust (join a fucking library, read a real book!)..

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

the paper cycle

A recent episode of Wallander (the BBC remake featuring a constantly blubbing star and several dopey sidekicks with frizzy perms, not the excellently dour Swedish version) featured a postman as the murderer..it was signposted early on in the episode by plonking a red post van conspicuously in a scene for Branagh to almost fall over. It's a nice thought, murder. GK Chesterton got there first with his murdering postie carrying his corpse in a mail sack unnoticed: 'the invisible man'. I understand the urge to throttle people.