Monday, 7 June 2010

dog tired

I may bang on about dogs but I'm truly amazed at the sheer number of dogs I meet, on a daily basis, that see me as dinner. Years ago, pre-this job, I liked dogs. Now I've developed a true fear of any type of dog, no matter how waggy it's tail, no matter how indignant the owner that it's a 'softy really'.
Every day I've felt a cold-mad rush of fear/adrenaline as a dog flies out of nowhere to chew on my bones. My first reaction is to hide behind my bag as this is dispensable (unlike my limbs) and heavy. Then I make for the exit. Sometimes there is no exit.
Saturday I was rushed at by a toothy mutt in the street. I've encountered this fucker before and it's the only dog that doesn't care for my zapper. So I zapped the bastard and took the owners mail back to the office. It guiles me as this dog/owner has already had a visit from the dog warden and deemed a threat yet still he lets his beast live. On Friday a Jack Russell attacked me in another street. Well, it tried to attack me but after a few kicks it got wary. The little fucker kept on coming though. Eventually I turned into a side road and an out of breath human tried to claim it. He was 'only looking after it' apparently. These people laugh it off but the experience is so frenetically terrifying that I'm left a jangling wreck. I carry on working but it doesn't feel good and it never feels any better. Then today a huge shiny black Labrador bounds at me as I open the gate. I do a swift u-turn and fuck off but again the stomach is churned over and my fingers are tingling. I do wonder if it's just me, an inherent odour of Winalot in my sweat. I'm jumpy now, every fleeting movement in the corner of my eye triggers a 'flight' response. I've been jumping at shadows today, also cats. You can't really fight a ferocious dog, they're underhand.
I despair. Why are there so many of them?? Why can't we breed a pleasant dog that is pleased to see you and tidies up after itself?